Swimming pools of all shapes and sizes, generally all work in the same way. Basically, water is pumped in a continual cycle, from the pool through the filtering and chemical treatment systems, then back in to the pool again. This support system keeps the water in your pool free of dirt, debris and bacteria. Often, pools also include a heater to keep the water at a desirable temperature.
Typically, a swimming pool is made up of these major components:
- Skimmer (filters debris)
- Circulation pump (circulates the water)
- Water filter (removes particles)
- Heater (regulates water temperature)
- Chemical feeder (sanitizes the water)
- Drains (removing the water)
- Returns (returning circulated water)
- Timer (regulating pump run time)
In Ground Install
The Sanitation System
These automatic systems keep your pool water sanitized by maintaining a consistent feed of a sanitizing agent, like minerals or chlorine, into the pool to kill bacteria and algae. Once the proper settings are determined, these systems can automatically dispense just the right amount of sanitizer to keep your pool sparkling clean without a lot of work. An inline feeder is plumbed into your circulation system after all the other pool equipment (pump, filter, heater). An off-line feeder is freestanding and is connected to the pool’s circulation system with additional tubing. King Technology has a complete line of sanitation systems for all your pool needs – including the revolutionary POOL FROG system. Call us for info 800-222-0169
The Skimmer
Properly designed pools have one or more skimmers that are usually built right into the edge of the pool. Surface water is drawn into the skimmer along with any floating debris, such as dirt, leaves, suntan oil, etc. Skimmers help keep the water’s surface clean and minimize the amount of debris that gets into the circulation system. Check and clean your skimmer basket every day for best results.
The Pump and Filter
At the heart of your pool’s support system is the pump. Its job is to move the water through the filters, heater and sanitizing system then back into your pool. Before water flows into the pump, it passes through a strainer basket to catch any debris that has been missed by skimmer; be sure to clean your strainer basket periodically. Pumps vary in size from ½ to 2 Horsepower and can have 1 or multiple speeds. Your pump run time really depends on many factors including the size of your pool, equipment used, amount of activity, weather and time of year. A pool’s pump should circulate all pool water at least once a day.
The filter helps to keep your pool’s water fresh and clean by removing oils, grease and dirt from the water. There are three basic types of pool filters: Sand, D.E. (Diatomaceous Earth), and Cartridge. It is important to clean the filter when the pressure gauge increases 10psi above its normal operating level.
The Heater
A heater on your pool can extend your swimming by months, or even year-round in some areas of the country. Most people prefer a pool water temperature of 78°F for swimming. Although the sun can help the water reach that temperature, unless you live in a very warm climate your pool water will not usually exceed the average air temperature. Therefore, a heater may be needed to maintain a water temperature of 78°F in most climates. Gas, electric and solar heaters are available in various sizes – some being more effective and less costly than others. Check with the pool experts in your area for help in deciding on the best heater for you.